
  • The Advent of the Dragon Knight and a look back at American Toku part 1 ( of 4)

    originally posted October 2, 2007

    By Impulse87

    When Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers first premiered in the United States, the fan reaction was explosive, a franchise unlike any other. It literally had everything a kid could want, giant robots, teenagers with attitude, witches, dinosaurs and most of all a diverse cast. By having a diverse cast practically everyone could connect with the cast in some way. Toys, videos, video games, a live stage show and even a full length feature movie with a plot, action and story that was completely independent from it's Japanese counterpart Zyuranger.

    Over the years many have attempted to challenge the Power Rangers Franchise, from two American made Tokuhatsu series, to various adaptations of Japanese Toku. During this article I wish to create a sense of nostalgia for those who grew up in the 90s and remember the various live action shows, while I also hope to create a sense nostalgia for those who grew up watching Power Rangers along with it's various spinoffs as well as get everyone excited about the upcoming premiere of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight, the newest fighter to step up and challenge Power Rangers' dominance of the American Toku industry.

    Well now that the introduction is done, let's get onto it. In this first part I will speak of the two (if not more) original American Tokuhatsu shows which spun off from the success of the Power Rangers. Keep in mind that most of this article is written from childhood memories, and not everything is 100% accurate and my opinions of the show are merely my own, if you disagree, I encourage you to write your thoughts on the matter .

    As far back as I can remember, the first of the American Toku shows was an American ripoff of power rangers called Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills. The show was a complete Power Rangers clone in every possible way a team of teenagers taking command from an intergalactic being, which resembled a blob. Drawing on the power of their tattoos, they transformed into giants, wearing amateur wrestling body suits with face paint to battle giant monsters. Despite the crappy obvious ripoff elements of the show, it managed to leech off the initial success of Power Rangers long enough to last 40 episodes.

    The second original American Made Tokuhatsu was Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog, based off of a celtic myth. The neighboring countries of Temra and Kells are at war, on one side is the peaceful Kells who desperately wants peace, while Temra is ruled by a queen who has made a deal with a dark fairy granting her vast magical powers along with the ability to summon various monsters ranging from trolls to cyclops and even three headed dogs. An adventurous young lad by the name of Rohan and his clever friend Angus along with the Princess Deidre and a foreigner Ivar seeking a chalice which was stole from his kingdom become the mystic knights of legend , warriors who wield magical weapons capable of killing these beasts. Through the eyes of an 8-year-old, the special effects of the series set a standard with epic battles between dragons and hydras, four little knights against massive monsters. Despite lasting only a season, since an american toku series with nothing original footage is expensive, and ending on a cliffhanger which would have led to the next season Mystic Knights: Battle Thunder. Definitely worth checking out, a fine example of American Toku done right.
    Come back next week where I'll take you on a stroll down memory lane with the two adaptations of the Metal Heroes Series: VR Troopers and Beetleborgs.


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