
  • A letter to geeks

    originally posted November 2, 2005
    by NinjaJack

    Here are two dictionary definitions of what a "Geek" is
    -person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of
    -A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
    Sounds about right doesn't it? You've been declared socially inept because your affiliation with something you love right? It's come to my attention that the fact of the matter is that if you're older than twelve years old and you freely say "That was cool!" you're a social outcast, sit down, shut up and join the rest of the sheep.

    It does not matter if you're a sports jock or a rabid couch quarterback, it does not matter if you are video gamer or a game designer. It really doesn't matter if you love making movies or watching them. If you're reading this article guess what? You're a Geekazoid!
    The geeks of the olden times were freaks who would bite the heads off live animals for entertainment, is that socially destructive or what?
    Today's society also holds people down who decided to stand away from the crowd because they stood by the things they loved. That man biting that poor chicken'`s face off might have been touched in the head but I will bet it was something he liked. Wait, thats stupid, how can you like eating the face off of a live bird? Well tell me, who am I to say something is stupid when I know full well that I have done things in my life just because I was pursuing a dream of my own?

    The modern Geek is constantly trying redefine himself when the very thing he was outcast for suddenly becomes mainstream. When Legolas off the screen and becomes Orlando Bloom, drawing in hyperactive tween girls and alienating the geeks who stood by it before the fame
    in the process; Suddenly there is a 14 yr old girl who buys the last copy of the three disc LOTR collector edition DVDs just because Bloom is in it. Oh no she doesn't care for the story like you do, it's ok for her to indulge in it because it's mainstream now. But beware the awkward stares that accompany a 20 something year old picking up a collector's set of Gargoyles season 2.

    See unless MTV says you can like it, it's childish trash, you're a man who can't grow up and smell the BS coming from the mass media`s collective mouth.
    Whenever you pick up that rare issue #1 of Ultimate Spider-Man you're going to be looked down on for even liking comics at your age.
    What makes all these prejudicial moments even worse is that they are provided by fellow geeks who hide behind the "casual fan" mantle. What the jehosaphat is a casual fan?

    The definition of "casual" is a person "showing little interest or concern; nonchalant" while when you look up "fan" you get "An ardent devotee; an enthusiast". How in the world can you be enthusiastic and nonchalant all at once?
    If you're standing there with a copy of Episode III in your hands while you yuck it up with your buddies about the guy down the aisle paying for a Batman Beings DVD, you're not just a fellow geek, you're a hypocrite.

    There is a major message forum for just about every group of fans out there. But bring up the subject of PR to a fan from another show and they`ll confront you. Oh not on the quality or lack thereof, but they will criticize you for even WATCHING such immature trash.
    Let me bring that up again, "They will criticize you for WATCHING such IMMATURE trash." How can fans of Spongebob have the plumbs to even make such a comment? Where does that Pokemon player get off calling PR immature? Because people call them immature for watching what they like.

    Did you know that no matter what a Ranger hating Sentai elitist says against PR, Kamen Rider fans were telling the same thing to Sentai fans long before Haim signed on the dotted line.
    Yoda once said that hate leads to suffering, it does, it suffers the hated's emotions and suffers the hater's heart.

    While someone is laughing at you while you buy your DVDs and read your comics, you're the one with the big screen television, you're the one who is going to have fun without it coming at someone else's expense. You're the one with the open mind and heart to welcome the true believers to the fold and not ridiculing folks for liking a genre.

    Being called a geek sometimes means you're wearing a badge of honor. You've just been singled out for sticking to your guns. The person who just called you a geek is totally ignorant of your life or whatever genre you`re gifted in. In fact they usually wish they had the balls you have
    to like your show, movie, comic book or game.

    Most naysayers wish they knew and cared about their stuff like you did. They don't know the thrill of wearing a Green Lantern sweatshirt. They do not understand the big deal of a Rider Kick or X-Ray vision. They don't know these things because they are not true fans because they
    belittle people. They don't know these things because they aren't the geeks, we are the geeks.


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